Devmanager is built by and for software engineering managers.
Devmanager workflow is organized to set you and your team up for success.
Each team members is unique, they deserve an individual approach.
Use signals for tracking and analyzing individual performance.
The guided one-on-one meetings help managers to invest in people.
We are here to help with questions or requests.
Use our set of skills or create custom ones. Track your team's goals and progress over time by tracking feedback, 1:1 discussions and other signals.
Add every person in your team, their skills, goals and areas for improvements.
Every time you have an initeraction with a person or an observation in a meeting, record a signal with proper meta data.
The signals build a timeline of events that give you a better picture how everyone on the team is oerforming.
We are actively working to make this service available to everyone. But before we do that, we're testing it with a very small number of managers.